Communities that you can help


1. The main tasks of the program.

Many children are abandoned by their parents, but when appropriate conditions are created, they can create comfortable conditions, help with treatment, give care and warm feelings that they were deprived of. All this is possible, with competent medical support and funding. What types of disease the fund is fighting:

  • Oncological tumors
  • Complete or partial loss of vision, hearing
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system

Each case is considered individually. We also provide assistance in the purchase of equipment, equipment and devices.

2. What help we provide.

The charitable background takes responsibility for collecting donations and paying for treatment and rehabilitation courses for children. We also help with acquisition of chairs, beds, carriages, wheelchairs, walkers and exercise machines.

We are very grateful for any help. Now you can help children, make a donation on the foundation’s website in any convenient way. You can also join the volunteer movement – to become a fund volunteer.

Treatment of children with cancer.

Help us spread information about the trust through your social networks. This will help a lot in attracting new volunteers. All the assistance that you provide is exclusively for the payment of treatment and rehabilitation courses for children.

Among us there are a lot of helpful people who are always ready to help – to do a good deed and give the child a chance for a healthy life! Welcome is available to everyone!

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Communities that you can help

Communities that you can help

April 15 – April 20, 2021
1. Aenean diam est, sagittis ut sceler isque a, molestie eget nisi.
Aenean diam est, sagittis ut scelerisque a, molestie eget nisi. Duis imperdiet tortor a consequat bibendum. Donec congue, ante ut tincidunt imperdiet, urna enim malesuada nunc, sit amet laoreet neque neque eget nunc. Mauris dignissim sapien in felis semper semper.
Lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac. Eros in cursus turpis massa. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit. Consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci.
2. Fusce vel mauris non est rhoncus.
Tellus molestie nunc non blandit. Consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Duis imperdiet tortor a consequat bibendum. Donec congue, ante ut tincidunt imperdiet, urna enim malesuada nunc, sit amet laoreet neque neque eget nunc. Mauris dignissim sapien in felis semper semper. Lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac. Eros in cursus turpis massa.
Duis imperdiet tortor a consequat bibendum.
Sed tincidunt lobortis mi eget auctor. Fusce vel mauris non est rhoncus molestie sit amet ultrices sapien. Nunc bibendum in diam nec posuere. Vivamus scelerisque, orci ac laoreet tristique, lectus metus pharetra ligula, sit amet interdum tortor ex non mauris. Aliquam purus diam, maximus nec orci vel, dapibus consequat eros.
Fusce eleifend imperdiet erat vitae egestas. Aliquam accumsan id est quis lacinia. Donec congue, elit sodales euismod tincidunt, nisl felis dapibus turpis, quis ullamcorper velit elit eu orci. Aliquam finibus sit amet.